Your Wholeness Journey – DAY FOURTEEN: Honor

RoAndCo_Honor_Branding_01-1299-xxx_q85Today’s principle focus is on Honor

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:

“I will speak ill of no man, but speak all the good of everybody I know.” – Benjamin Franklin

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:23

Think on this: While the proverb states “ Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.” It could just as easily read: “Promotion and influence comes primarily from well speaking.”

And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. – Mark 12:30

Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you. – Deut. 5:16

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in the area of giving and receiving honor.) How honorable do you feel you are? How much honor do you feel you give God or others?


Today’s focus is on watching the words of our mouth and speaking well of all.

When we speak positively and in the mindset of “I can”, instead of “I can’t”. We show honor to ourselves, and to others. Today let us focus on watching what we say to and about others. Let us be found practicing speaking positively with everyone we meet.

Scripture says it this way:

But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. But if 110 you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. – Luke 6:27-36 New King James

Any time a person speaks negative disrespectful words towards others, those words put into motion an immobilization of their identity and self-worth. When someone is made fun of, they are left questioning their identity. Often they end up in a mental thought stall-pattern struggling with indecision, stuck somewhere between being a success and being a failure.

Verbal put-downs don’t just make others feel bad temporarily, negative words which are spoken to others cause within long term battles between having a successful identity and a non-successful one. In contrary, when you speak to someone positively and encouragingly, they will find themselves having to rise to the level of your belief in them.


For instance, if a child has been told in school that they have potential, but at home they are constantly being told they will never amount to anything, the child’s thinking will become stalled and the child will be left to make a very hard decision. Do I listen to my teacher, or my Parents/siblings?

In general, spouses can be found guilty of this with each other. Often throughout the years, I have seen spouses start out speaking negatively about each other, and as a result they end up falling into unrighteous living and sin.

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman. – Proverbs 21:9

Better to live alone in a tumbledown shack than share a mansion with a nagging spouse. – Proverbs 21:9 The Message

Today, let us focus on speaking kindly to and of our spouses and those around us. Today, let us decide to honor our spouses in our speech, watching how we talk to and about them and use our journals to write down what we have seen happen as a result. If you have conditioned yourself to believe that there is absolutely nothing nice you can say about your spouse, how about just not saying anything at all?

They might bait you to get you to confront them, but don’t engage. Smile, and tell them you love them.

You can always begin by complimenting the little things:

  • “What a wonderful tie.”
  • “Your hair looks good that way.”
  • “You smell nice.”

The only way to avoid failure is to quit growing completely 

Remember that today will be a test of self-discipline. Try and make a positive and outstanding impact in your family for the better. Your children need kind words as well.

Negatively criticizing growing children is like telling someone to get back on shore midway through the jump off a dock. Children are growing and no amount of negative criticism will keep them from failing. Growth means inevitable failure. The only way to avoid failure is to stop growing completely.

Negative words you speak to them will be sealing their future. If you tell them they are fat, they will carry this into adulthood and prove you correct. If you tell them they are stupid, they will grow up always remembering what you said. We have a responsibility as parents not to jump to conclusions, pass harsh judgment, or exhort condemnation. I like to think of it this way, when your tongue has gone awry your spirit too has saddened. When your tongue has made a friend your spirit has ascended!

positiveThe Power of Positive Speech:

The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut out. – Proverbs 10:21 There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health. – Proverbs 12:18

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. – Proverbs 15:14

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. – Proverbs 18:21

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. – Proverbs 31:26

Suggested Potential Resources:

Hung by The Tongue: What You Say is What You Get By Francis P. Martin

Learn how your words affect you and everyone around you. This book is great at helping you realize exactly where you might be blowing it, in life and in what it is that is keeping you from success… your own mouth!

How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

If you have never read this book, go get it today! It will change your life. I believe that this classic is one of the most influential books of all time, and will explain to you all that you need to know about life and relationships. Dale Carnegie has an entire chapter on never criticizing, condemning or complaining!

You Can if You Think You Can By Norman Vincent Peale

Did you know that if you can think it, you can have it? All it takes is a winning attitude, some inspiration, and BELIEF! This book is another one of the best books of all time for creating and inspiring belief in you. If you ever wanted to be a something, read this book! The narrative stories are a pleasure to read and the format is easy enough for grade school children. Don’t miss this opportunity to read a masterpiece!


This Principle in Action: Og Mandino, Best Selling Author

After losing all his money and withstanding a divorce from his wife and enduring estrangement from his daughter, Mr. Og was left homeless and had bought a gun from a pawnshop, in order to kill himself. Since he had not enough money to buy bullets, he ended up going to the public library to get warm.

At his daily trips to the library, he started reading motivational and encouraging “self-help” books. Cynical himself, about ever being able to have a happy and ‘successful’ life he set out to prove the books “right”. Og Mandino is a fantastic example of an inward transformation that outwardly manifested in life. After all the reading and personal growth in that warm November library, his life began to change tremendously.

He ended up securing a position at Success Unlimited Magazine and began working his way up to become the companies eventual President. After becoming an author, his first book became a best seller, “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” Og ended up selling over 50 million copies in his career as an author. His books have been translated into over twenty five different languages. He credits his successes and always in his books gives honor to God alone.

Today’s Key Take Away:

  • Honoring our fellow human beings voices on the outside ultimately how we feel on the inside. As the adage so aptly states, “Never criticize, condemn, or complain.” What an appropriate and honoring rule to live by, we speak well of all men, as God speaks well of us.

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself? As you focused today on speaking positively about those around you, what did you notice? How did your spouse/coworkers/friends respond?

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 9 more amazing days to go! See our last post on dressing sharp HERE

Our NEXT post is on Living a life of honor…

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY THIRTEEN: Looking Sharp

ff watch classy in the cityToday’s principle focus is on creating a successful image, looking and feeling sharp!

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:

“I am a great example of Christ in action and I am able to minister positively to others through the way that I present myself.”

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:22

Think on this: While the proverb states “She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.” It could just as easily read: “From our homes to our attire, the wise man and woman of God have got it going on!”

“Wash and perfume yourself, and put on your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, but don’t let him know that you are there until he has finished eating and drinking…” In the middle of the night something startled the man, and he turned and discovered a young woman lying at his feet.“The LORD bless you, my daughter,” he replied. “This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor. And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.” – Ruth 3:3

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. – 2 Tim 2:15

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in the area of appearance.) How stylish/put together do you feel?


It is easy to see the value in getting dressed up, we dress our best for Sunday church, special occasions, and even for work.

Today we are going to cover a topic most sermons don’t cover, the importance of our day-to-day dress and appearance. Have you considered dressing your best, all the time? It wasn’t until I read Proverbs 31:22, that I saw that a wise person not only takes care of the inner man but of their outer selves as well.

Did you know that God wants you to be rich? Rich in love, rich in relationships, and rich in joy. It is His desire for you to be fully blessed. The Jewish have a word for it, ‘Shalom’.

Shalom means, nothing missing and nothing broken. You may hear as a standard Jewish greeting, “Shalom unto you, Shalom.” Their greeting is set up as if to say, “God’s blessings be unto you.” We will cover Shalom in detail, a little later.

I know quite a few single men and women who always look stunning! Their hair is shinny, clean, and their clothes are pressed. I did too, until I started having children and stopped trying to keep myself up. Being clean and dressed nice was superseded by whatever worked at the time.

Today’s focus is on remembering to be set on becoming stylish in the morning. Not only to look nice for your family, but to be available to serve the Lord. If the Lord called you to minister right now, are you dressed for it? Or do you serve only after you feel you are ready for it?


One of our scripture references for today is a scripture out of the book of Ruth. Ruth was an astounding woman and in doing her family right, she became blessed and honored. When you read the scripture, did you notice that the key to unlocking Ruth’s blessing from Boaz was for Ruth to wash and perfume herself and put on her best clothes?

When we present ourselves to others, we are stating our belief in ourselves. What does all this have to do with Shalom? Until you can fully grasp that God desires prosperity in your life, you will not be able to understand God’s kind of prosperity or why it is important to present our best to others.

Some people choose to think that because they don’t have much money, they simply can’t appear pleasant. It is like those without funds are being limited 24-7. You can’t look nice, you don’t want to let anyone see our car, without money it can feel as if you are stuck not adding any value to the lives of others at all. You may even get fooled into believing that you can’t pray for someone, and unfortunately sometimes you can even begin to think that you can’t enter into the Kingdom.

Most Christians feel morally at odds with getting or being rich. They feel as if God would be displeased with them and if they weren’t found in a constant struggle they wouldn’t be found worthy, and that just isn’t so! If this were true, Ruth would have been told to just go home! “You don’t need a husband, or a family, as a matter of fact God told me He wants you to show Him how much you love Him by living an ordinary and dull existence, the rest of your life!” But instead, Ruth is so honored in her triumphant story that her life is written down in the everlasting book of the Bible, alongside with the Apostles and the Psalms written by some of the greatest men in history.

As a matter of fact, there is a central theme of “prosperity and triumph” woven throughout the entire Bible.

The Bible’s very premise and purpose is one of encouragement and joy. The telling of Ruth and the care she showed to her mother-in-law, is just one of these historical encouraging events. The Bible does not share with us every event in history, but it does show us the history of redemption. Each act in the book is a stage of cause and effect, all with the same conclusion redemption.

God’s definition of prosperity is different than ours.


God’s definition of prosperity is very different than ours. In our physical world, we are conditioned to see things in one dimension. Ever since you were a child you were taught to think in terms of only what you can see. Such as, “Burr, I’m cold,” or “Urgh, I’m hungry.” God is not looking at us to see how we feel He is looking to us to live by faith, despite how we feel.

A well-known preacher has said, “Prosperity with God is not determined by what you have but by what has YOU.”

The very basis of ones ability to comfortably be found stylish and appear put together inside and out, is based on how ‘rich and prosperous’ they feel inside. Not at all based on what you have or don’t have.

If you didn’t know that you were initially created to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,” (Gen.1: 26) and that God created you to have dominion, you wouldn’t know that God wants you and desires for you to have dominion and a life full of prosperity.

If you knew that no matter what you tried you couldn’t fail, what would you do? How would you feel? Wouldn’t you feel like a million bucks?

It is my belief, that there are enough promises and scriptures found in the Bible that people don’t ever have to live in fear again. Scripture says that Christ has reversed the curse that was put on Adam and Eve, and that we as His people can once again walk with dominion over all the earth! (Galatians 3:13)

If you aren’t feeling confident and stylish at the moment and all you can afford is a cheap franchise haircut, get it anyway. I used to think that was beneath me. I used to think hairstyling had to cost hundreds of dollars or you wouldn’t be getting a good cut. In turn I wouldn’t keep up my looks. Looking like I didn’t care became much worse than having a “decent” cut. If you go someplace inexpensive, just make sure you keep it simple and don’t expect too much. A lot of great hair stylists start out in these types of places.

As far as clothes are concerned, if you can’t afford to revamp your own wardrobe, start wearing those special outfits everyday, instead of only once a week or never. For those of you that always look great but may feel horrible on the inside, begin to work on reading your Bible and changing that inner voice. Find as much as you can with in its pages on how to walk in confidence both inside and out. Another thing I have learned is to make my bed everyday.

Studies have proven people who make their beds everyday have a higher self-image than others.


Stack your books in nice and tidy stacks. Instead of putting your yucky clothes on and taking your make-up off as soon as you get home today, try your best to keep looking nice until bedtime.

Our kids know when Dad is about to come home because an hour before he is due to arrive I make sure to clean the house, do my hair and put on my make-up – when possible. Some mornings I get to it right away, some times I don’t, but at least every night before Daddy comes home, all things come together.

I know this might sound silly, but if you can afford it, go and buy some nice pajamas. One year, I took Jeff to a department store to buy brand named pajamas. They weren’t cheap by any means, but they have lasted forever. He always remarks on what a good night sleep he gets when he wears those pajamas. Nicely fitting, cotton pajamas. A good night’s rest is a great way to begin feeling good inside and out. When our house and our bodies look their best all the time, it creates within us a desire to expect greatness out of ourselves and out of others. People will begin to listen to us more when we speak, and we will begin to draw resources to us by our positive outlook on life. When we are constantly looking at where we can improve ourselves, and are focused on personal growth, we can begin being placed in a position of spiritual dominion over our circumstances. The bottom line, when we take initiative to appear our best, we are often found at our best.


Taking care and personally stylizing our lives will affect your whole family. Your children will begin to see a new you, they will see that their parents are taking care of themselves, and they will begin to think that they should too. Your spouse will begin to take notice of you, and you will start setting yourself apart from the nicely dressed but overworked coworkers in their workplace. They will eagerly want to bless you and do anything to help support you and your desire to get more ‘style’. Regardless of the outcome, by the end of the day you will know within yourself that you have changed and that now you are ready to serve!

Suggested Resources:

God Wants You to Be Rich “How and Why Everyone Can Enjoy Material and Spiritual Wealth in Our Abundant World.” By Paul Zane Pilzner

This book is a phenomenal book on economics. With so much talk about “scarcity”, Pilzner goes into great deal on how God would never let his creation out live their resources. Pilzner has masterfully crafted a book full of facts on the environment and technology, and will give you everything you will need to know to share with others Gods laws of abundance.

The Greatest Miracle in the World By Og Mandino

This is the most exciting book I have ever read! You will go back and forth between, is this really happening? And it must be real! Og Mandino has cleverly written a novel with characters that you wish could live on forever. I easily read this book once a year, and always recommend it to people as the best personal growth book ever written.


This Principle in Action:

According to the book of Esther, the women who were selected to go before the King had to undergo quite the beautification process. Before a girl’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. Esther 2:12

Queen Esther was presented to the King in her best form. She was respected and loved deeply due to the fact that she had knowledge in her heart of the scripture and her outer beauty portrayed her inner righteousness. She would read to the King at night and tell him of her homeland. As it was she single handedly through her bravery and encouragement from her uncle ended up saving the entire Nation of Israel from destruction. Her external beauty that 108 radiated from an inward confidence softened the heart of a King, and ended up saving an entire civilization of people.

Today’s Key Take Away:

• Whether rich or poor, decide today to put your best foot forward. Give yourself an extra 10 to 15 minutes to put forth the energy to care. Learn to love the way you look and present yourself to others with an inwardly and outwardly positive presentation. You are a beautiful and miraculous creation, created by God for a specific reason, let your light shine from your heart and know that God desires the absolute best for His children.

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself? When you dress your best, do you notice a difference inside yourself? Do you walk taller or breath deeper? How did today turn out having been prepare to serve, did anyone take notice?

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 10 more amazing days to go! See our last post on living fear free HERE

Our NEXT post is on Living a life of honor…

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY TWELVE: Fearlessness

Rear view of a young boy waving good bye to his mother , focus on boy

Today’s principle focus is on being Fearless

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:

“I do not worry or have fear, for God is with me.”

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:21

Think on this: While the proverb states “When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.” It could just as easily read: “The person who is wise does not worry. They are grounded in their confidence of the Word, and to them their family stands out and apart from the rest.”

He continued this subject with his disciples. “Don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more. Has anyone by fussing before the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? If fussing can’t even do that, why fuss at all? Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them. If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself. – Luke 12:22-32 The Message

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in the area of fearlessness.) How fearless do you feel you are?


What does being “fearless” mean to you? In my opinion, fearlessness is best defined as a relaxed sense, or a lack of worry about a current circumstance. Today, we are going to practice the right kind of fearlessness. Today we are going to think about and practice having confidence in God and the way He does things.

Before I became a Christian, I used to think that being fearless meant having the ability to do crazy stunts without dying. Like bungee jump off bridges, sky diving, or eat disgusting foods. Fearlessness to me used to be all about crazy and zany activities.

It was only after I became a Christian that I realized true “fearlessness” wasn’t in any one particular action, true fearlessness was found in the ability to live free from worry.

Have you ever been guilty of worrying over what you have to eat, however little it might be? God is calling out to us to believe in Him, to believe in His promises. He will neither forsake us nor abandon us. – Deuteronomy 31:8

Too often, we begin to humanize God. We begin to feel as if He will let us down just as everyone else has done so in the past. The bitter feeling of our emptiness and loneliness prevents us from being able to imagine a loving and caring Heavenly Father that wants what’s best for us.

When our own parents, friends, spouse, brothers, sisters have been so harmful to us, how are we supposed to be able to trust God for everything? We can see them!

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is un-searchable. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:28-31

Fearlessness comes from a lack of worry. Having faith in God comes from the strength that He gives us, and we grow confident in our faith when we give up the thinking that God might let us down. God is in the business of lifting us up! Christ himself says that He will not do anything to harm us.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. – John 10:10

Our Father does not want you to worry. He does not want you to be living in bondage to fear! He wants you to live freely and abundantly and carefree. God is all around you, guiding you and protecting you.

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” – John 8:12


I often hear my sons playing an imaginary game of Superheroes. As they each pretend to be one, I hear them go on and on about their “special” powers. One might have the power of invisibleness, while the other might have super strength. The most desired power that they pretend to have is the power of invincibility. This is the power to go through rocks, jump off buildings, and not get ill. To the children, the power of invincibility is the strongest most sought out strength of all their “Super-powers”.

Did you know that invincibility isn’t limited just to Super-heroes, but we can be invincible too? Not invincible in body, for our human bodies alone can’t handle much. In Christ, however we have an internal invincibility backed by eternal life! (John 3:15) Our invincibility comes from the Word of God, and from the power He has given within us. Living by the power of the Holy Spirit can and will repel any harm from befalling you.

If you have become a Christian, and have accepted the Holy Spirit into your heart, you now live with a God inspired invincibility that will guide you from walking into harmful situations.

The Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom that you need in order to avoid calamity, detour destruction, and keep you from harboring worry. Keeping your mind focused on Christ and the Word of God creates a fearlessness that will begin to radiate out through you, and give you the peace of mind that Christ says is available to all His believers. He wants us all to be brave, and to trust God with the welfare of our family.

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. – 1 John 2:20

According to scripture a fearless person sees their family as if they are clothed in scarlet.

During the time that this proverb was written, only the richest men and women could have ever afforded the luxury of a purple, blue, or scarlet piece of clothing.

My Grandfather once explained to me that, the different paint and dye colors in history have come from different mineral properties found in the Earth across various regions of the world.

The color most associated with royalty has been the color purple. Purple was the most expensive dye that could have been made available. Originally, purple came from the crushing of Mediterranean Murex, or seashells. These seashells could only be found in one area of the world, in Tyrian, Lebanon. Other regions offered other colors. Sienna and Umbra are examples of browns, in the case of purple, it would have taken ten thousand mollusk seashells to create one purple Roman toga!

Most clothing, of the day would have been natural colored fabric. Off-whites, all natural hues of sandy tones, often people wore dusty clothes and were not uniquely attired at all. No average person would have walked around town with scarlet clothing!

Can you imagine back then how difficult it would have been to locate a lost or hurting child in a crowd? What would set your child apart from others? In the case of Proverbs 31, scripture says that the one who is found fearless will respond to situations placing their faith in God to the point that to them, it would be as if their children were clothed in scarlet!

Even though their families may not have been literally draped in scarlet, in their mothers fearless confident eyes she could easily determine which children were hers and exactly where they were at all times. Her children’s love for God and their fearless hearts, would separate them, and put them apart. It is only when we become afraid, that we lose focus and cannot see clearly God’s promises to us.


Today, let us practice having faith and not fear for the security of our families. Begin to pray for your children’s safety, and let them go about their day. Jesus’ own mother Mary had to deal with worry over her son.

So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” – Luke 2:45-50

Even Mary had to be reminded to rely on The Word of God. It wasn’t until they had come all the way home to Jerusalem that she and Joseph noticed that Jesus was missing. It wasn’t until fear set in, that Mary began the process of worry. Once she let that worry set in, it clouded the Word that God had given her, that Word that said that Christ was going to be the Savior!

Don’t let worry render you fearful. Don’t let worry cause your children and family to begin to look like everyone else. Don’t let your worry block their spiritual covering, and keep them from seeing about the Father’s business.

Even children are called to God for a purpose, they have a destiny all their own! [Jeremiah 29:11]


Today’s principle focus is on letting go of fear. Today let us practice not falling into fear of letting the children go outside, fear of visiting and cheering up a friend who is ill, the fear of going to school, or even the fear of a cough that might someday go bad. Instead, today we will practice speaking faith filled words instead of fear. Today we will begin applying the scriptures of hope and promise that God has in His Word for our families, and start living fear free today!


Family Promises:

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate. – Psalm 127:3-5

Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD. – Psalm 128:1-4

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. – Jeremiah 17:7-8

Today’s Key Take Away:

• Deciding to live fear free is a differentiator from the norm. When we live fear free we choose to step into the role of leader. Fearless leaders show others through example that they have confidence in God’s Word and how He does things. They can fully trust God’s promises and are confident in allowing their children to do the work God has in store for them.

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself? How has focusing on living fear free helped you? Did you notice any more time on your hands when you weren’t worried? What were you able to accomplish today?

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY ELEVEN: Compassion

8c3108380d40a352387c825d6e51ac02Today’s principle focus is on Compassion

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:

“I am always available to help those in need.”

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:20

Think on this: While the proverb states “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” It could just as easily read: “Those who show compassion and reach out to the needs of others are wise.”

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” – John 21:15-17

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in the area of compassion) How compassionate do you feel you are?


Today’s focus in on compassion, a compassionate person can always be found lending a hand to the needy. Even when we are in great need, we can still be compassionate to the needs of others. It is with the constant thought of giving that we can begin to see the needs of others.

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. – Proverbs 31:20

This Principle in Action:

Jeff and Jessica Heilman: Personal Testimony

When my second son was an infant, my husband Jeff and I had to believe in God for a financial miracle. Jeff had been interviewing at different companies through out the Dallas area. One such company hired him and he was going to get paid more than double anything he had ever been paid before!

The financial miracle that we needed had to occur during the interim period, that somewhat scary period between no job and the first paycheck. We had no money in savings, and we were committed to living life debt free. As a couple, we had decided that we were going to “give our way out” and put God’s Word to the test. We came to an agreement for finances, and trusted that God alone would provide for us according to His riches in glory. We decided that no one needed to know about our situation. The Lord knew about our need, and we knew the need, that was it. Instead of borrowing were decided to pray, and let God give to us what we needed.

What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. – Matthew 6:33 The Message

Armed with our understanding of sowing and reaping (Luke 6:38), instead of gathering all our pennies to spend, we did the opposite, and gave them away to those in need. I can remember paying a gasoline attendant 9$ in change for our gas in pennies, nickels, and dimes. Our funds had gotten that low. We didn’t know how God was going to do it, but whatever it was that He was going to do, and in whatever time He chose, we knew that He was our hero and capable of anything.

Saturday night before our first paycheck, I lay awake thinking to myself “Ok, it is 2 am. We have no more money and the baby is in his last diaper. We have a quarter of a tank of gas, and we wont get paid until next Friday. God, what else can I give?” My heart was fixed on the desire to give more, and more.

“Your prayers” God answered me simply, “You can still give to others through your prayers. Pray for the body of Christ, that it would be obedient. When the body gives to its members, no one will be in need of anything again.” He then took me to that scripture about Jesus and Simon Peter feeding the sheep. Jesus was programming Simon Peter’s mind to think compassionately towards others.

As a result of this word, I immediately began praying for everyone I knew, and those I didn’t know. I prayed for the church, the city, the Nation. I prayed that God’s people would begin to be obedient to their callings, and that they would be blessed, and successful. I prayed that all would receive the spirit of compassion and respond by caring for one another.

Sunday morning, Jeff and I woke up fresh and very much alive. We had survived to live another day! I was completely at ease, having prayed myself to sleep the night before. We figured that if we were going to go anywhere, church was where we needed to be. On the way to church we didn’t care that we didn’t have enough gas money to get home, or that Joseph was in his last diaper. We figured that God was going to deliver us one way or another, and if we had to walk home we would.

As soon as we got to the church, we were opening doors for people and letting others sit down before us. After church, we did our usual routine and picked up our boys and got into the car to head home. We started down the long driveway exiting the church, when we noticed a big burly man walking down the side of the driveway. This man was covered in black leather, completed with long hair and a beard. He looked very out of place at our traditional church.

Jeff immediately found compassion for a lone walker on the road and a lump rose in my throat as Jeff started pulling the car over to offer this “Hell’s Angel” looking man a ride.

Opening the door, the man smiled and was grateful for the assistance. I jumped over the center console and into the back of the car with the boys, and Jeff and the unnamed man began to chat.


This man was a trucker, and since the drive was so long and narrow he had to park his rig away from the church. He was a member of the motorcycle club in the church, and when he was in town he would come to church on Sunday. After a surprisingly delightful conversation we came to his rig and he said “Thanks”.

Smiling, we said that we were glad to do it. Then understanding that the man was going on another long haul, we grabbed some church sermons from the glove box to give him for his driving. We were still committed to “giving our way out, in to a miracle.”

“WOW! Thanks!” The man said, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Well,” Jeff gulped “Maybe if you could give us like five bucks for the tapes, so we can buy some gas, that would be great.”

“Mister, I can do better than that.” With that, I saw this big “scary” looking man pull out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket. “God told me to give this to you!”

After he did, everyone in the car started balling. We were all crying with joy! The unnamed man went on to say:

“Once, when I was really down on my luck a buddy of mine gave me a hundred dollar bill. When I finally got back on my feet, I went back to my buddy to repay him. He told me to keep the hundred dollars, and he said “Someday you will come across someone else who needs that hundred dollars, when you do, give it to them.”

This gentle giant went on to tell Jeff and me, “As soon as I heard your car misfiring on the driveway, I knew you needed help. You picked me up, and I know I am supposed to give this hundred dollars to you!”

WOW! How I had misjudged this messenger of God! When we all do our part to listen and act, it is the greatest thing to watch how we all relate to each other! We didn’t even need a hundred dollars! All we really needed was like twenty dollars to get us through the week. We immediately paid our tithes and then that hundred dollars not only bought us diapers, it bought us food, gas, and completely sustained us until payday! God had heard our prayers, felt our compassion towards others, and rewarded our obedience!

Practice having compassion today! I have told our “Hundred Dollar Testimony” dozens of times. If you practice reaching out to others in compassion, perhaps your blessing to others will be received in the very same way!

kiss-couple-romance-touch-feeling-happy-hug-picToday’s Key Take Away:

• Compassion is the key to the safety and security of the body of Christ. If we can listen to the Lord and give when we feel called to give, we will be participating in a miraculous giving cycle. You have no idea when you may be in need not just financially but for prayer, healing, or support. If you can practice compassion to others, you yourself will benefit greatest by creating a compassionate heart within yourself.

• How many times have you given something away, just to have something better given back to you? Let’s focus today on praying for others, and meeting needs. Enjoy the process of making others begin to feel complete.

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself? What miracles have you known God to do for you? When was the last time you gave to someone in need? Where you genuine? What kind of needs do you see in your family, community, or Nation? Can you do anything about them? Have you prayed about them?

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 11 more amazing days to go! See our last post HERE

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY TEN: Contentment

shutterstock_172218053-795x380Today’s principle focus is on contentment in WHO you are

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:

“I am exactly WHO God wants me to be.”

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:19

Think on this: While the proverb states “She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.” It could just as easily read: “Those who are wise, work diligently at the task at hand, accepting that which is required.”

But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:10-13

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in the area of contentment) Write down on a piece of paper where you see yourself in the area of Contentment. How content do you feel in WHO you are?


hands_of_all_races_by_riabunnie-d57ve7rThe Apostle Paul described contentment best, “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Paul states that he has learned how to master his emotions and to be thankful for all that he has, and who he is regardless of any current situation.

Contentment is not only required for us with what we have, we also must become content in who we are. We as men and women have to be aware of our differences, and be content in the roles that we play. Even though we are one in Christ, we all have a different way of conveying His Message. Although in God’s eyes we are all equal – no two people are alike, and we have all been created as individuals, according to God’s (Jer. 29:11) plan.


Scripture states in Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. It is by God’s original design man and woman be treated as equal individuals and when they marry these two individuals become ONE FLESH. (Mark 10:8) This equality was never meant to overtake or become more important than ones individuality –Not all flesh is the same. (1 Cor. 15:38)

It is satan’s goal to confuse mankind and rob from us all of our individuality, for within our individuality comes our creative power and strength. All outliers in history became prominent as individuals doing things in their own creative and different ways. Equality DOES NOT MEAN SAMENESS – equality means opportunity.

Unfortunately the more “equal” we become as a society (which is how God has intended us from the beginning of time) the more forceful the devil must become in causing us to conform to a certain type of “SAMENESS”. This is the problem we are seeing in our traditional school systems today. The more EQUAL we as a nation have become politically and spiritually – the more frustrated the enemy becomes and attempts to squelch all of our individuality. Arts, music, and sports programs get cut from schools before the subjects which require the most calculations and memorization. While we as adults may be gaining equality politically and spiritually – our children sadly are most often left in danger of loosing their individuality.  


Sadly this “SAMENESS EDUCATION” (a result of a 1900’s manufacturing economy and the enemies strategy to confuse our understanding of equality) has left many men questioning their manhood in order to remain unique, and many women have questioned their femininity as a way of voluntarily becoming different. Instead of questioning their creative skills and talents because they feel they may not have any, they question their very own God given image. 

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. – Romans 1:24-27

Through scripture, it has been revealed to us that this unnatural cause of affection, and this desire to be EXACTLY as the opposite sex is rooted in the misunderstanding of ones personal identity in Christ.

Some men have come to conclude that they need to become overly sensitive in order to deliver their creative messages and women have become led to believe that their message can only be heard through a masculine voice.

Let me reassure you that, being male or female is of no regard in the body of Christ. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. No matter how “evident” the physical differences may be between men and women, we have all become one in Christ. EQUAL individuals.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28

What does this scripture mean to us? As believers, it means that we are all capable and qualified to become Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, and Apostles! Regardless of being made as men or women! Hallelujah!

Scripture says: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. – Ephesians 4:12


In the flesh men and women, have obvious differences. As believers we must accept, realize, and be content with God and His divine wisdom that He has a purpose for our blatant differences.

For instance, just recently the Lord has shown me how as a woman I am able to communicate the Gospel in a different arena than my husband. I have an ability to impress men with a woman’s knowledge of the Word, and as far as my husband is concerned he is able to minister to women in a leading way that I never could. His ministry comes from a position of authority, and my ministry comes from a position of mothering and sensitivity.

It is in my opinion that all men saved or unsaved, need a mothering and loving figurehead, and all women need a male figurehead to give them good and fatherly-type counsel. Though keep in mind, there is never a reason to counsel men or women alone one on one. Please be careful to have a group setting, or telephone conversation when needing to counsel the opposite sex. Though you know you are faithful to God, the enemy could use someone’s wild imaginations to try and expose you as something you are not.

Wise men and women know when to be content in their God given roles. Proverbs 31:19, describes a person who grabs the distaff and spindle with their fingers. This person grabs hold of their position in life and works with it, not against it. This person grabs ahold of life by taking that spindle (or role) by their hands, and works with it until it produces the exact intended result.

Women most certainly will produce different results than men, and men will produce different results than women. Neither one ‘better’ than the other, both conveying the same message, each delivering the message in their own unique way.

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat her with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. If you don’t treat her as you should, your prayers will not be heard. – 1 Peter 3:7 (NAS)

Respect is earned, not demanded I find it important to mention here, true respect is not something that you can demand of another person. Respect can only be earned through consistent proof of ones intentions. A tyrannical man or woman has earned no more respect by the end of the day, than a person who demands absolutely nothing at all.

If you desire the respect of your spouse (either male or female), you must begin to make it your mission to earn it. Prove to each other that you love each other, and that you have their best interest at heart, and on your heart.


Together in marriage our teams work best when they work in unison, being in complete agreement. We are stronger when we as individuals come together as equal partners.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Eccl 4:12

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matt 18:19

Today, studying the characteristics of contentment, we are found assuming our roles as true men and women of God, doing what each other cannot do. Men have a tendency to be focus driven (sometimes narrow minded), quick to action (sometimes overly gruff), and incredibly enthusiastic (sometimes crazily sporadic).

Women have the ability to calm the storm (sometimes to the point of apathy), emotionally balance the ship (sometimes nagging their way out of balance), and subtly turn the rudder (unfortunately often not so subtly).

Let us focus today on our attributes in their best sense. Let us focus on not controlling or steering a new course, but perfecting the direction of the ship, causing the boat to maintain its chosen course with the limited amount of distractions.

What can we as women do encourage, support, and strengthen our husbands as they make the difficult and trying decisions of life? What can you as husbands do to relieve the stresses of the world that your wives consistently take on their shoulders? With a humble heart, and trust in our Heavenly Father as a “trifold” team (God, Husband & Wife), each doing our part, and content in our perspective individual roles, we can create something great!

Suggested Potential Resources:

For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn and Jeff Feldhahn

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Shaunti Feldhahn and Jeff Feldhahn

Both these books are incredible at unlocking the mysteries of men and women. If you have ever wondered what makes your spouse tick, or why they do what they do, buy these books and read them. As a woman I learned that men function from a level of respect, and women function from an emotional need for love. Both of these books will greatly encourage you and enlighten you in ways of making your marriage work for the best.

Letters to Karen & Letters to Philip by Charlie W. Shedd Charlie Shedd as a loving father has written two books to his children, one named Karen and one named Philip. These books are a compilation of the letters that he wrote to them about life and marriage. They cover everything from finances to sex. These books will give you an amazing ear and understanding of the correct relationship not only between husband and wife, but father and child.


This Principle in Action: Ronald and Nancy Reagan: Former President of America and First Lady

Throughout history, there have been countless couples that have embraced and accepted their certain roles, and have become “Power Couples”. When I think of power couples in the Bible, I think of Abraham and Sarah, King Xerxes and Queen Esther, Joseph and Mary, etc. There have also been many single men and women who have assumed a role of ‘messenger’ regardless of their sex, like the Israeli Judge Deborah and of course our Savior and Lord Jesus. Since we are talking of ‘Power Couples’ and being content in the roles in marriage, I would like to remind us all of the amazing Reagan family.

Regardless if you agree on their political points of view or not, as a couple they were very much in love and made a great deal out of supporting each other. Ronald met Nancy in Hollywood. They were both actors, and he worked for the Screen Actor’s Guild. While Nancy will not admit to love at first sight, she was never the less enamored by him. On March 4, 1952 they were married. They later had two children. Anyone who knew the Reagan’s knew they were deeply in love and as he began to seek out his political aspirations, Nancy was right by his side.

Not only did Ronald end up being elected President, he was President for two terms, and in those terms Nancy served her country in various ways, including developing the very successful “Just Say No!” to drugs campaign. It is said that he often referred to her as “Mommy,” and she referred to him as “Ronnie.” They displayed openly the affection that they had of one another and after Ronald was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Nancy told Vanity Fair, “Our relationship is very special. We were very much in love and still are. When I say my life began with Ronnie, well, it’s true. It did. I can’t imagine life without him.” 

Today’s Key Take Away:

• When we are content as men and women in Christ, it opens the doors for us to be the most effective. Men and women are different, and even though it is a level playing field in our abilities, the nature of us being created differently is on purpose and by design. Men can command a room by simply entering it, and women can warm the hearts of anyone with a genuine smile and with thoughtful consideration. Today we are focusing on being ALL men, and ALL women. Trusting that as we do this, God will show us the best way possible to convey His message in our respective roles.

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself? How has today’s focus on being content in your roles, helped you? Have you done anything different on the job, or in your marriage? Did you find it necessary to ask for forgiveness, or to celebrate in your God-given role? How did your spouse respond?

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 12 more amazing days to go! See our last post HERE

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY THREE

web-35656676_mlToday’s principle focus is on Service

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:(Repeat this statement as you go about your day and feel the need to take instead of give.)

“I enjoy serving and giving to others.”

Scripture References: Proverbs 31:12

Think on this: While the scripture states “She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life.” It could just as easily for today’s modern family needs read: “The wise ones will bring each other good, not harm all the days of their lives.”

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. —Luke 6:38

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in your ability to serve) Write down on a piece of paper where you see yourself in the area of service. How service oriented do you feel you are?

Our third day in our journey to Wholeness in Christ is devoted to servitude, a day of eagerly anticipating serving your fellow human being, especially your family! Someone who is focused on serving looks for ways to bless their household. They go out of their way to schedule oil changes, car washes, play dates and dry-cleaning trips. They use their spare time to invest in enriching the lives of others.


The servant-hearted single has perhaps the best opportunity for ministry available on this earth. This man or woman can freely come and go, worship openly and unabated and can give God all of their attention. The Apostle Paul wrote,

Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 1 Cor. 7 NIV

The servant-hearted single can come and go as they please and can listen to God with open ears. They can hear His direction and immediately act on it, without having to ask someone else for approval or opinion. A servant-hearted single can be diligently submitted to God and His will for their lives as long as they take the time and discipline required to be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) Listen, pray and obey.


Both servant-hearted wives and servant-hearted husbands must listen and obey God. However, they are in a different position than singles. They have a partner to communicate with and confer with. When this is done right and by the Spirit the two in agreement can do anything!

Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. Matt. 18:19

The servant-hearted wife will communicate with her husband regularly, asking him if there is anything he would like her to do for him. I call Jeff every morning, to ask if there is anything I can do for him that day. Whether you are a working wife or not, this does wonders for the relationship. Realize that if you serve your husband long enough, in no time you will begin to reap a personal harvest of joy.

The servant-hearted wife’s goal is to be the very best wife and mother possible. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt replacing her would be impossible, and she strives to maintain poise and dignity all the days that she is married.  Scripture says, “all the days of her life.”

The serving wife cares to speak highly of her husband, both to the world and to her children. She is compassionate when she hears other wives speaking negatively about their husbands. She constantly speaks encouraging words to her husband and to others, she can be found praying for the other wives she knows, that they might someday too feel as loved as she does.

Talk to your husband today and ask him if you can do anything for him to lighten his load. (This is a thing any good brother, sister, or best-friend would do… it is common curtesy in a relationship) If there are things around the house that you know he would like to have done, try and get them done.



The servant-hearted husband offers to take the kids for his wife, engages in conversation, cooks, and yes even changes the occasional diaper. Men don’t have to do much to show their wives they care. Women can be easily pleased by being made dinner for, or by being taken out to dinner. When you as a husband make sure the dishes get done and your wife gets a good night of sleep… well, everything else comes off as a heroic!

He who loves his wife loves himself. Eph. 5

Is there anything that your wife is in need of right now, that a little money or time could make happen for her? Can you remember anything she might have mentioned in particular? Serve her and watch what happens. You might rekindle that feeling of deep love for her that you thought was all but gone!



Are there any life long dreams that you know of that you can look into for your spouse? Dreams are very important, as important as needs. Without dreaming for the moon, how would we ever reach the stars? Research is free, and often times you can get brochures or DVD’S on the things they have always wanted to accomplish. Encourage dreams!  Scripture says,

A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out. Proverbs 20:5

Knowing your dreams and being able to draw them out of each other, takes an understanding man and wife. Set some time aside today to really meditate on how you can bless each other and draw out your deepest dreams and desires for life. What is that unaccomplished goal? Where is that place that you have always wanted to see? Spend time together tonight before bed dreaming about the future.

Everyone has a need and a dream, find your spouses and begin to fill it. I personally have done hours of research on golf, Citation X aircrafts, cost of flights and travel to Africa and Class A Motor homes. These are dreams wrapped in a material package, but both Jeff and I know that these dreams will never be fulfilled without first seeking God and His Kingdom. (Matt. 6:33)

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4


The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This excellent book will explain to you key insight about your spouse and their individual ways that they communicate love. According to his understanding of men and women, each person has a certain love language complete with internal  ‘love tanks’, he encourages us all to work at filling our spouses love tanks and suggests that most problems in marriage stem from emptied love tanks. Just like a gasoline engine, no car ever runs when it is empty, neither does a relationship operate when someone isn’t getting the right love message. This book will change your marriage and how you understand your spouses communication and how they speak love to you.

The Five Love Languages are:

  1. Physical Touch
  2. Words of Affirmation
  3. Gifts
  4. Acts of Service
  5. Quality Time

Learn to unlock and fill up your spouses “Love Tank” today!


download (1)


Local Gardener, Loving Father

I once heard a story of a father who worked hard as a gardener. He did very well at his job, but was not paid very much. His daughter took an interest as a girl in piano. She was very naturally talented. When he came to understand that she was gifted, he immediately got her involved in the best piano teaching school that was available. When she asked him if he was sure about what he was doing, his simple reply was “Yes, I’m a working man.”

His daughter went on to win many musical awards including  “most talented piano player in her grade in the Los Angeles Public School System.”

Today’s Key Take Away:

  • Everyone has a dream and it is an important factor in serving someone if you know your friends/family/loved ones dream, as well as the dreams of your own. If you focus on serving others and encouraging them in their dreams you will be doing your part to bring them good, all the days of your life.


Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself?

Take a moment to list your dreams and what dreams of others you may have discovered today. How did focusing on service to others make a difference in your life today?

If you feel comfortable, comment and share your experience – we are all in this together!

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 19 more amazing days to go! See our last post HERE

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Your Wholeness Journey – DAY ONE


Today’s principle focus is on Nobility

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By: (Repeat this statement as you go about your day and possibly when you feel things to begin to get out of control)

“I stand strong and with noble character in all that I do.”

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 31:10

One who is of noble character who can find? For they are worth far more than rubies.

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in your nobility) Write down on a piece of paper where you see yourself in the area of nobility. How noble do you feel you represent yourself?


Welcome to day #1 of your spiritual wholeness journey! The first characteristic of study in our 22 day journey is that seldom recognized characteristic of Nobility.

Nobility is not just for royalty, today we will practice responding in the most noble way to each of our daily activities, no matter how simple the task. You may be driving the children to school, answering the phone, or even going to the store. Proverbs 31:10 clearly states, that when we are found noble, we will be found worthy. Specifically, we will be considered worth far more than rubies! Focusing our energy today toward seeing ourselves as noble people that are able to see past temporary offenses will put us in a more valuable and prominent position.

Today, while you are practicing responding to others in nobler ways, make sure to not confuse the humbled trait of nobility with the very unflattering act of self-righteousness. Make a conscious choice today to be a person who is not above the most menial tasks. A King or Queen of stature is a King or Queen who serves. These “servant” Kings and Queens go down in the history books as legends. You can be a legend too!

The noble man or woman is a person who is able to carry out their tasks with dignity and respect, regardless of the level of service required. A noble person does not get overly emotional, is not quick to anger, and is always focused on the benefit of others. Though it may seem impossible for you to think that you can do this, remember the promise that is a result of the one who acts with noble character. The promise is, that you will be found far more valuable than rubies! Every scripture that has a command, suggestion, or guideline comes complete with a promise!

When you are noble in character, you set yourself apart from the rest. You can be found doing the right thing whenever and wherever you can. To have noble character simply means that you choose the right way of doing things. If you are unsure about what the right was of doing things is to do, take cheer and pray to the Father, through prayer and communication you will be able to receive guidance and the ability to decipher which direction to go. As you purify your life and add nobility to your daily way of doing things you will begin to see the direction and path for others. You will begin to be entrusted with the awesome responsibility of leading them in the ways of the Lord. (See Titus 2)


I remember once when I was in High School I had to diffuse a tough situation. I was in a situation where a peer of mine was constantly ridiculing my performance. He was only ever remarking on my inabilities, and in turn I was left feeling horrible and inadequate. For weeks on end I endured the tormenting, until the thought came to me “What if I love him anyway?”

I approached him, and told him that no matter what he said or did to antagonize me, I was going to love him anyway. My exact words were “No matter what you say, or do, it can’t keep me from loving you.” Immediately the teasing stopped, and I formed a great friend. My ability to love permanently diffused a continuous attack.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. —1 Colossians 13:3

My ordinary response would have been to be hurt, or embarrassed. However for some reason, this time I decided that love was the only thing that would work to stop the teasing. The only thing your enemy cannot comprehend is love. Scripture says,

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. – John 1:5

There is a saying that goes, “Hurting people, hurt people, and are easily hurt by people.” Over the years I have found this statement to be true. When we respond to hurting people in the noblest response they will be left wondering, “What just happened?”


Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi is an expert example of the nobility trait in action. Through his peaceful protests and non-violent acts, he was able to display to his persecutors the only thing they could not understand peace.

Originally, his government could only understood the language of force, violence and war. By acting non-violently, Mahatma Gandhi proved to his nation and to the entire world that the opposite response to anger and oppression is the freedom found in peaceful and noble resistance. True freedom comes from understanding that “If you are willing to stand forever, you will not have to stand for very long.” In scripture Jesus says,

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:43-45

When you maintain a noble response while under attack, you will always seem intriguing to your persecutors and your response will leave them asking questions. As Christians, we want people to ask us questions about why we do what we do. “How can you always have peace? How can you love me anyway? Tell me more.” As you gain scripture knowledge you will begin hoping people will want to ask you these questions, instead of avoiding them. Read your Word and be prepared! Your nobility will shout loud to others, even when you are not saying a thing!



Dr. Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and countless others have had the uncanny ability to command a room simply by entering it. They have had the ability, the grace and the wisdom to put others at ease with their genuine kindness and nobility. As they walked with nobility and did not let their negative circumstances take command over them, they have become considered some of the greatest leaders in history. The best leader is a noble leader.

As you have committed to take this challenge, you are telling yourself that you are ready to accept the kind of leadership that comes with being an excellent spouse, parent, and friend. All of your relationships in life will surely benefit. If you are kind when you need to be, respectful, and positive choosing to be noble at all times, you will be found far more valuable than rubies! The Word says so! What a wonderful characteristic to strive for!

Nobility is likened to outward righteousness.

Nobility does not consist only of our inward response to others, but it can also be portrayed in our outward representation.

For example, how much skin would the Queen of England or Princess Diana show?  Would the King of England be seen sporting a ‘baseball cap’ as everyday wear? They would not show much skin or wear such hats (except for while playing sports of course), why? The man and woman of royalty see themselves as the physical representations of the Kingdom, and must be a noble example to others. People may speak ill about you, or think that you are less than you are, simply due to the way that you dress. Noble men and women set trends, not follow after them. The Bible says:

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives. But mostly, show them all this by doing it yourself, incorruptible in your teaching, your words solid and sane. Then anyone who is dead set against us, when he finds nothing weird or misguided, might eventually come around. —Titus 2:1-8 The Message

Nobility is likened to outward righteousness.  Living a life modeled by nobility can be difficult as we live in a media driven “I want it all, and I want it all right now” society. This environment of instant gratification can prevent us from attempting to live righteously, by diverting our focus from those things that are truly important and “traditional”, (our own personal righteousness, our families, and our loyalty to our spouses for example) to spending frivolously and becoming distracted by the latest most popular fad.

We are responsible for fully representing His Kingdom and His type of Godly righteousness

Some people become so enamored with the latest trends and toys, that they will ruin their lives and go into great debt in order to live the over sensationalized “American dream.”

True dream living or righteous living in reality is found in being able to live a life of spiritual fulfillment in Christ, with nothing missing and nothing broken. We must deeply understand that He is our King, and that we are His noble subjects responsible for fully representing His Kingdom and His type of Godly righteousness.

Don’t worry friends a noble character does not make you a slave. It means you are respectful and willing to help others, including your spouse. It means stepping in to help them complete their tasks before you get to yours. You cannot be a slave, if you commit your lives to the service of others.

In his book Up From Slavery, Booker T. Washington (The last Black American leader to be born into American slavery) talks about his overseas visit to England and the mentality of the English servants, He states:

“I was impressed, too, with the deference that the servants show to their ‘masters’ and ‘mistresses,’- terms which I suppose would not be tolerated in America. The English servant expects, as a rule, to be nothing but a servant, and so he perfects himself in the art  (of servitude) to a degree that no class of servants in America has yet reached.

In our country the servant expects to become, in a few years, a “master” himself. Which system is preferable? I will not venture an answer.”  – Booker T. Washington  

Being noble in character is what it takes to kindly bless your spouse with a cool glass of water when you know you yourself could use one, or cheerfully choosing to overlook their little quirks and habits that can seem irritating to you.

If you continue to prove to yourself that you have a noble character, and practice the art of self-control and attitude according to the scripture, you will be praised and considered valuable to all those around you. You will soon find yourself influencing the actions and motives of those around you and others will also begin living as examples of nobility in their own lives by emulating you.

I once heard a famous preacher say, “Sometimes the only Bible others will ever read or get a hold of is YOU.”


Jesus of Nazareth: The Lord and Savior of Christians

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, He said to them. “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes Me; and whoever welcomes Me does not (just) welcome Me but (also) the One who sent me.” Mark 9:34-35 NIV.

Today’s Key Take Away:

  • Start your first day of journey toward wholeness with an air of nobleness, eager to carry out tasks kindly, while remaining emotionally secure. Pray when you feel weak, count to ten when you are about to explode, and always remember “You can do anything for a day!”

Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself?

Take a moment at the end of your day to write about what you learned after spending a whole day focused on acting and thinking noble. How did others treat you? How did you feel about yourself? Could you see how staying in a noble mindset might make you more valuable in society, if you chose to adapt it as a characteristic? If you feel comfortable, comment and share your experience – we are all in this together!


Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 21 more amazing days to go! See our first post HERE

Getting Started on Your Journey to Wholeness!


The 22 Principle Attributes of a Wholehearted Individual

What you are about to read in the next 22 days, are the 22 Principle Attributes of Wholehearted Individuals, as outlined in Proverbs 31.

Each Principle contains within it a daily topic of study to focus on, and by the end of the day you will have the opportunity to address, “What did I learn about myself?”

Not only will you find scriptures, and modern day interpretations, you will also find daily positive affirmations and a chance to read about the particular principles in action.

You will find yourself reading of some of the most successful people who throughout history have applied their wisdom and knowledge to emulate the particular characteristic of study,

Here are the 22 Characteristics in a nutshell:

  1. Noble
  2. Confident
  3. Serving
  4. Wisdom
  5. Persistent
  6. Patient
  7. Sensible
  8. Positive
  9. Blessed
  10. Content
  11. Compassionate
  12. Fearless
  13. Stylish
  14. Honoring
  15. Listener
  16. Strong
  17. Faithful
  18. Organized
  19. Humble
  20. Intimate
  21. Respected
  22. Completed

Tomorrow’s blog post will be day #1 in your journey toward wholeness… I hope you are as excited as I am!

Day #21 You Can Be Made WHOLE


I believe it is time to begin writing again. It has been five days since last I wrote, and while I thoroughly enjoyed being away from the incessant blinking of my computer curser, I began to feel extremely selfish in my avoidance of the keyboard.


During the last five days, I have been away wondering and praying about what I should write next. This whole blogging thing has always been a puzzle to me. Who on God’s green earth wants to read what I have to say – or rather, what I have to think? Certainly not the people who are busy and have lives to live. Definitely not those who are bored. Who am I but a stay-at-home mother of six children who has somehow managed to create a life worth living, a thing most anyone can do.

“How about you tell your story… from the very beginning.” – God

Just the other day, my dear friend Stephanie and I were out to juice (it is what we do in California) as we were out wandering around and talking about things, we began discussing exactly how it is people get “stuck” in situations.

Why for example, some people who could be made well do not receive their healing and why others can seem so easily to step into it in the “hear and now”. PLEASE do not mistake me when write about the manifestation of healing, there are definitely cases of miraculous healings, however the types of healings I am talking about are not necessarily those of the “terminal” kind.

I am writing of the ailments which become “identities”. For example, let us look at the man who wears corrective lenses. This particular man could very easily have his eyesight fixed by way of lasik surgery, and yet he does not go through with it. HE IS SCARED. When you ask him why he won’t do it, he allows himself to believe something will happen during the operation and the very little sight he already has, will be taken from him when in reality the operations have extremely HIGH success rates and the odds of the man coming out worse than when he went in are nearly impossible. The man isn’t REALLY scared of the procedure – he is scared of who he will become as a “glasses free” man. Will he be recognized? Will he be successful? Will his brand suffer? Who is he really… without glasses? This man does not know.

As we begin our journeys in attaining wholeness (in the Hebrew this is referred to as ‘shalom: nothing missing nothing broken’) we must begin by asking ourselves “Am I willing to leave my broken identity behind?”

If you are believing God for a healing, would you be willing to leave your handicap placard behind? If you are believing God for finances, would you be willing to get off of Government subsidies? These are hard things to do, and I am not asking you to do them.

What I am asking you to do is to THINK beyond your afflictions and the identities which have taken ahold of your heart. Who are you without your afflictions? Who are you without your infirmities?

Jesus asked a very telling question to those whom he healed… here is what he asked:

“Wilt thou be made whole?” John 5:6 KJV

I believe Jesus asked then, and is asking us today… “will you be made whole?” Will you allow the Lord to make you whole? Can you give up on the old and afflicted you? Can you give up your old friends who make you feel lonely and depressed? Can you instead see yourself with friends who only talk about the future and where you are all going together as a team? Will you let Jesus make you whole?


Walking whole takes courage. The kind of courage only those who stay in the Word of God can produce. We read the Bible daily, not to be “good Christians” but to remake our identities in Him. From sickness to health, from poor to rich, from lonely to surrounded by an abundance of friends. The Word of God changes our viewpoint from LIFE being what being on this earth is all about – to DEATH being an eternal and wonderful rest in the arms of our everlasting Father. The Word of God gives us permission to live life and live it more abundantly while at the same time we work to NOT store up earthly riches but instead to store character, resolve, and immeasurable amounts of faith – things that are eternal.

Wether a man lives to be 120, 25, or 10 – the only thing which will be left behind him is his character. As a matter of fact, we can say with all confidence Christ’s character STILL being spoken of 2016 years AFTER his death. The man walked p e r f e c t, the man was w h o l e. Imagine that. Having a character so pure and so perfect the world would be talking about you 2016 years after your death. Only ONE man could be that remarkable, our Lord and Savior the Messiah – Jesus.

BUT we can still work to walk in wholeness and with a pure character, as we are called to imitate Christ, “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.” Eph 5:1 (NLT) People most certainly won’t be writing about us for 2000+ years, but after we are gone those we loved can certainly remember us with fondness and as wonderful people.

Yes my dear friends, you CAN be made whole. I too was broken once. I was depressed, emotional, desperate and in agonizing pain. I could not see the light in front of me and it was as if I was buried alive in a pitch black tomb. Then one day, the light came into my life and INSTANTLY I was made whole. Perhaps this blog moving forward will be about that… my whole story.

Today’s key takeaway: If you are believing for a miraculous outpouring in your life, don’t forget to take inventory about how you would REALLY feel about the manifestation of that miracle. Are you comfortable with the thought of walking in wholeness? If Jesus were to ask you right now ‘will you be made whole – would you be willing to leave the ‘who you know you are’ behind, for a new and unlimited you?’ Would you – could you accept your new reality? 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 NIV

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith” Galatians 3:26

“Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.” Matt 9:22 NIV

“Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.” Matt 8:13

Are you a believer? #ibelieve365



Day #16 School Reform aka RAISING SUPERHEROES

Little Red School

Reading, writing, and arithmetic… oh, and a life.


Born into slavery in 1860 George Washington Carver became an outstanding man with quite a thirst for knowledge.

Sickly as a boy, he was brought inside the main house to do household chores like cooking and cleaning. When slavery was abolished young George (who had been taken in by his previous owners) was encouraged to “go to school” and at 10 years old he took himself to school 10 miles from his home to a school that accepted black children, (his local public school did not).

While he was in his new town sleeping in a barn, a rather nice woman noticed him and traded with him odd jobs for a place for George to stay. George was on his own at ten years old, earning his housing AND going to school. He did not initially go to school to learn trigonometry, calculus, or AP English. He was in school to learn how to READ and get enough of the basics under his belt he could one day go on to college (which at the time was a furthering education on did to ENHANCE ones education – NOT TO GET A BETTER PAYING JOB).

In 1890 Carver started college studying art and piano, however his teacher saw in him a great love for plants and encouraged him to attend Iowa State Agriculture College in Ames, he was accepted and became the first black student to go to the college in 1891 – he was 31 years young, one could say “he was a gifted man from youth”. Taken from

“(Over his lifetime) George Washington Carver reputedly developed 300 uses for peanuts and hundreds more for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes. Among the uses that he suggested to southern farmers to help them economically were adhesives, axle grease, bleach, buttermilk, chili sauce, fuel briquettes (a biofuel), ink, instant coffee, linoleum,mayonnaise, meat tenderizer, metal polish, paper, plastic, pavement, shaving cream, shoe polish, synthetic rubber, talcum powder and wood stain.

Three patents (one for cosmetics; US 1522176, issued 1925-01-06, and two for paints and stains; US 1541478, issued 1925-06-09 and US 1632365, issued 1927-06-14) were issued to George Washington Carver in the years 1925 to 1927; however, they were not commercially successful. Aside from these patents and some recipes for food, Carver left no records of formulae or procedures for making his products. He did not keep a laboratory notebook.

Carver’s research was intended to produce replacements from common crops for commercial products, which were generally beyond the budget of the small one-horse farmer. A misconception grew that his research on products for subsistence farmers were developed by others commercially to change Southern agriculture.Carver’s work to provide small farmers with resources for more independence from the cash economy foreshadowed the “appropriate technology” work of E.F. Schumacher.”


An autodidact is a “self taught person”.

Many of the GREATEST men and women throughout the history of humanity have taken the time to teach themselves. While George went to various schools in an effort to learn from others, schools were his PLAYGROUND. Schools were his LABORATORIES. He didn’t begin school until he was 10 which left him more that capable of comprehending reading, writing, and arithmetic. Upon learning the lessons of the day (where school was NOT 8/9 hours a day) he continued his higher education by PURSUING his OWN desires.

He studied art, music, and plants. This was in the 1890s! There was no mandatory “general education degree”. If you studied agriculture, your SCIENCE, MATH, HISTORY, WRITING, and COMPREHENSION was ALL centered by agriculture. The science of plants, the math of plots and farming, the history of seedtime and harvest time, the hypothesis and essays of new theories in plant cultivation, and what the process all meant as a contribution to SOCIETY. THIS IS HOW SCHOOL SHOULD BE TAUGHT.


George Washington Carver, 1910

To me, George was every boy or girl and his humble beginnings prove it. He was a sickly and weak child. He was born into slavery. He had no education with no personal attention as a boy from an involved parent. HE JUST WAS.

His thirst to study – SPECIFICALLY something he LOVED was what lead him to become a 47 year head of agriculture at the Tuskegee Institute under at the time acting President Booker T. Washington.

He became a counsel to Kings, Presidents, and even Henry Ford who discussed with him at length how cars one day could operate on soy bean oil! George’s color didn’t hold him back, his lack of a general education didn’t hold him back, NOTHING held him back! There is an old adage that says this:

“If you LOVE what you do for a living, you will never have to work a day in your life.”

What if instead we rewrote this to say,

“If you LOVE what you are learning, you will never have to go to school a day in your life.”

Yes, I believe George took his education into his OWN hands. I believe people saw things in him – like him tinkering with plants at home – and gave him direction. That’s it just direction, they didn’t tell him what he needed to do or not do – they merely suggested options BASED ON WHAT THEY SAW CAME NATURAL. What if our school system was reformed to this point. Let’s say instead of “school as a manufacturing plant” school became a “Laboratory for Life”.


Let us say we go back to basics. How about children don’t worry about “starting school” until they age in at about 10 years old (or even 12) let’s say these children by now have a pretty good idea about what THEY want to study. Art, humanities, math, writing, and science. Let us encourage children to really DESIRE to learn more because (well frankly) they are sick of playing. Yes, in MY reformed school system children would play games, sports, socialize, make friends, fish, and go on field trips from 5-10. NO formalized education required.

What if instead of taking 19-30 children who are all the same age and sitting them behind desks for 8-9 hours a day to teach them things which they aren’t ALL interested in (some things yes, others no), we instead treat EACH CHILD as an INDIVIDUAL.

What if we give the children all the tools at their disposal in an already existing school and we OPEN up all the classrooms and starting from age 5-10 we let each child “go wild” (Of course with guidance – but we let them be free to eat when they want, learn when they are ready, and try out everything new).

In my imagination I can see setting free at least 100 children into a totally open door school where each teacher stood in each room, and waited for children to COME to them. There might be 5, 9, 6, & 8 year olds in the chemistry lab READY and eager to mix “bubbly stuff” and then there might be 7, 6, 10, and 5 year olds who just CANNOT leave the auditorium microphones alone and MUST be in costume! Each room would have a designated teacher, and each teacher would be left ONLY working with children who really WANTED to be there. If the child got bored, they didn’t go see the school psychologist – they went to a different classroom! Each classroom would have an open door policy! Each child would be encouraged to come and go as they please! No lesson plans, no tests, no requirements – merely a school chalked full of miniature LIFE LABORATORIES with skilled educators ready to inspire.

Yes, starting at age 10 my students would sit with their parents and some wonderfully encouraging counsellors (who had been assigned to them since they were 5) and these counsellors would have noticed (by observation) what the children were natural gifted and prone to do. If one child particularly enjoyed art in their higher education they would have one set of curriculum. If another proved to enjoy science, debate, music, acting, math, etc. they would ALL have separate curriculums, none of which would force a child to do ANY type of work they HATED – boring work probably, but there can be joy in the mundane. For example, if you LOVE to bake – even doing dishes can become enjoyable. 

This “NEW SCHOOL” is beginning to sound a lot more like the X-Men’s school for gifted youngsters! What if we could raise SUPERHEROES!

In tomorrow’s blog I will continue to dream about this dream “day school” which I have in mind for the older age groups (10+). For now I will have to go to bed dreaming about the looks on the potential youth of tomorrow’s faces as they are set free hypothetically into computer labs, art studios, music rooms, bio and chem labs – just to “TRY everything out, HANDS ON”. What a remarkable dream! To see every child in America and the WORLD free to learn at their own pace, in their own time, things that THEY desire to learn… what a wonderful dream.

Today’s key takeaway: While this “dream school” sounds preposterous at a National level, many schools are beginning to steer AWAY from worksheets and memorizing facts and instead are attempting to teach children how to think. While I believe this is BETTER news, it does NOT address the fact children are REQUIRED to study things which negatively impact their delicate psyches like taking a naturally gifted Thespian and requiring them to study chemistry or biology – this is NOT a “life lesson” this teaches our young Thespian nothing but to doubt themselves and to hate going to school. The SYSTEM is flawed. It isn’t about grades, it is about interest. TODAY I would pray you look into your children’s (and your own!) lives and ask what you are doing to encourage your child’s God given talents and gifts.

What brings you a breath of fresh air when you think about doing it? As you think about this today, work to do more of whatever that is – as soon as possible. Life is TOO short to be saying “If only I won the lottery”. DO LIFE NOW instead.

George Washington Carver was not expected to live past his twenty-first birthday due to failing health. He lived well past the age of twenty-one (he died at 83), and his belief deepened as a result.Throughout his career, he always found friendship with other Christians. He relied on them especially when criticized by the scientific community and media regarding his research methodology.

Carver viewed faith in Jesus Christ as a means of destroying both barriers of racial disharmony and social stratification.He was as concerned with his students’ character development as he was with their intellectual development. He compiled a list of eight cardinal virtues for his students to strive toward:

  • Be clean both inside and out.
  • Neither look up to the rich nor down on the poor.
  • Lose, if need be, without squealing.
  • Win without bragging.
  • Always be considerate of women, children, and older people.
  • Be too brave to lie.
  • Be too generous to cheat.
  • Take your share of the world and let others take theirs.

Beginning in 1906 at Tuskegee, Carver led a Bible class on Sundays for several students at their request. He regularly portrayed stories by acting them out.He responded to critics with this: “When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.”

Are you a believer? #ibelieve365