Your Wholeness Journey – DAY THREE

web-35656676_mlToday’s principle focus is on Service

Today’s Positive Affirmation and Encouraging Words to Live By:(Repeat this statement as you go about your day and feel the need to take instead of give.)

“I enjoy serving and giving to others.”

Scripture References: Proverbs 31:12

Think on this: While the scripture states “She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life.” It could just as easily for today’s modern family needs read: “The wise ones will bring each other good, not harm all the days of their lives.”

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. —Luke 6:38

ON A SCALE OF 1-10… (10 being the highest most confident in your ability to serve) Write down on a piece of paper where you see yourself in the area of service. How service oriented do you feel you are?

Our third day in our journey to Wholeness in Christ is devoted to servitude, a day of eagerly anticipating serving your fellow human being, especially your family! Someone who is focused on serving looks for ways to bless their household. They go out of their way to schedule oil changes, car washes, play dates and dry-cleaning trips. They use their spare time to invest in enriching the lives of others.


The servant-hearted single has perhaps the best opportunity for ministry available on this earth. This man or woman can freely come and go, worship openly and unabated and can give God all of their attention. The Apostle Paul wrote,

Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 1 Cor. 7 NIV

The servant-hearted single can come and go as they please and can listen to God with open ears. They can hear His direction and immediately act on it, without having to ask someone else for approval or opinion. A servant-hearted single can be diligently submitted to God and His will for their lives as long as they take the time and discipline required to be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) Listen, pray and obey.


Both servant-hearted wives and servant-hearted husbands must listen and obey God. However, they are in a different position than singles. They have a partner to communicate with and confer with. When this is done right and by the Spirit the two in agreement can do anything!

Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. Matt. 18:19

The servant-hearted wife will communicate with her husband regularly, asking him if there is anything he would like her to do for him. I call Jeff every morning, to ask if there is anything I can do for him that day. Whether you are a working wife or not, this does wonders for the relationship. Realize that if you serve your husband long enough, in no time you will begin to reap a personal harvest of joy.

The servant-hearted wife’s goal is to be the very best wife and mother possible. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt replacing her would be impossible, and she strives to maintain poise and dignity all the days that she is married.  Scripture says, “all the days of her life.”

The serving wife cares to speak highly of her husband, both to the world and to her children. She is compassionate when she hears other wives speaking negatively about their husbands. She constantly speaks encouraging words to her husband and to others, she can be found praying for the other wives she knows, that they might someday too feel as loved as she does.

Talk to your husband today and ask him if you can do anything for him to lighten his load. (This is a thing any good brother, sister, or best-friend would do… it is common curtesy in a relationship) If there are things around the house that you know he would like to have done, try and get them done.



The servant-hearted husband offers to take the kids for his wife, engages in conversation, cooks, and yes even changes the occasional diaper. Men don’t have to do much to show their wives they care. Women can be easily pleased by being made dinner for, or by being taken out to dinner. When you as a husband make sure the dishes get done and your wife gets a good night of sleep… well, everything else comes off as a heroic!

He who loves his wife loves himself. Eph. 5

Is there anything that your wife is in need of right now, that a little money or time could make happen for her? Can you remember anything she might have mentioned in particular? Serve her and watch what happens. You might rekindle that feeling of deep love for her that you thought was all but gone!



Are there any life long dreams that you know of that you can look into for your spouse? Dreams are very important, as important as needs. Without dreaming for the moon, how would we ever reach the stars? Research is free, and often times you can get brochures or DVD’S on the things they have always wanted to accomplish. Encourage dreams!  Scripture says,

A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out. Proverbs 20:5

Knowing your dreams and being able to draw them out of each other, takes an understanding man and wife. Set some time aside today to really meditate on how you can bless each other and draw out your deepest dreams and desires for life. What is that unaccomplished goal? Where is that place that you have always wanted to see? Spend time together tonight before bed dreaming about the future.

Everyone has a need and a dream, find your spouses and begin to fill it. I personally have done hours of research on golf, Citation X aircrafts, cost of flights and travel to Africa and Class A Motor homes. These are dreams wrapped in a material package, but both Jeff and I know that these dreams will never be fulfilled without first seeking God and His Kingdom. (Matt. 6:33)

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4


The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This excellent book will explain to you key insight about your spouse and their individual ways that they communicate love. According to his understanding of men and women, each person has a certain love language complete with internal  ‘love tanks’, he encourages us all to work at filling our spouses love tanks and suggests that most problems in marriage stem from emptied love tanks. Just like a gasoline engine, no car ever runs when it is empty, neither does a relationship operate when someone isn’t getting the right love message. This book will change your marriage and how you understand your spouses communication and how they speak love to you.

The Five Love Languages are:

  1. Physical Touch
  2. Words of Affirmation
  3. Gifts
  4. Acts of Service
  5. Quality Time

Learn to unlock and fill up your spouses “Love Tank” today!


download (1)


Local Gardener, Loving Father

I once heard a story of a father who worked hard as a gardener. He did very well at his job, but was not paid very much. His daughter took an interest as a girl in piano. She was very naturally talented. When he came to understand that she was gifted, he immediately got her involved in the best piano teaching school that was available. When she asked him if he was sure about what he was doing, his simple reply was “Yes, I’m a working man.”

His daughter went on to win many musical awards including  “most talented piano player in her grade in the Los Angeles Public School System.”

Today’s Key Take Away:

  • Everyone has a dream and it is an important factor in serving someone if you know your friends/family/loved ones dream, as well as the dreams of your own. If you focus on serving others and encouraging them in their dreams you will be doing your part to bring them good, all the days of your life.


Today’s Reflection: What did I learn about myself?

Take a moment to list your dreams and what dreams of others you may have discovered today. How did focusing on service to others make a difference in your life today?

If you feel comfortable, comment and share your experience – we are all in this together!

Share this post with someone you think could use a sense of wholeness in their lives… we have 19 more amazing days to go! See our last post HERE

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